The QUANYUAN Group provides professional consultation services employing Chinese Metaphysics to businesses and individuals. For a decade, Ar. David Yek and his team of consultants in QUANYUAN have been teaming up with Top Decision Makers from all sectors. The QUANYUAN Group actively engaged with businesses from small, medium and very large establishments including those from the Fortune 500 companies. Our experience in working with multinational clientele spans across industries such as financial institutions, property development and real estate, manufacturing, F&B, education, healthcare, insurance, tourism. In property developments for instance, the team gets involved in a full spectrum commencing from Land Selection, Design, Launches, and Sales & Marketing of such projects. The QUANYUAN Group engaged presentations to the board of Directors and face to face personal consultations. QUANYUAN Group is committed to the charter and core values of our LINEAGE to provide useful tools and strategies that help businesses and life transformation.
The Ancient Chinese Art of Metaphysics is a distilled form of knowledge to empower success. We are utilizing such knowledge for the benefits of human endeavors. We do not look at this knowledge as superstitious. It is an INVESTMENT worth every pound of GOLD. That is how ancient Chinese invest with this art – in GOLD BAR. Harnessing Qi is the main CRUX of our attempts. Balancing Qi is our approach. Advocacy in Qi sustainable development is our guiding principles. We are non-believer of New Age advocacy where PLACEBO REMEDY takes center stage. When the ART of HARNESSING and BALANCING Qi is at its optimum, RESULTS will materialize almost immediately.
FengShui is a term strictly referred to as the art of harnessing ShengQi. Looking at a natal chart and predict where is ShengQi and ShaQi and to decide where to sit and face is not FengShui. This is Divination, the art of divinity based on numerology, imagery and Qi. Its method is far reaching ranging from QiMen SanShi to YiGua and BaZi to the very extend of XuanKong DaGua. Yet, since time immemorial, it is considered as part and parcel of FengShui, formerly called ZhaiBu, the Divination of a House.
Modern practitioner may use both arts in synchronicity. As example, they may do a divination before even attempting to visit the site for an audit. This is by mean of opening up a QiMen or a ZiBai Natal Chart and read the ingredient thereof. From the chart they are able to discern where is the incoming Qi, outgoing Qi, ShaQi and where is the best location to locate the main door, thus establishing siting and facing. This is called remote sensing. The customer would be thrilled by the practitioner's ability of clairvoyance and often mistaken as a GOD. However, this is Not FengShui!
Upon reaching the site, a FengShui practitioner will evaluate the capacity of a site by taking into consideration the macro incoming and outgoing Qi, to establish its Qi maps. The same is applied to the immediate external and follow through towards the compound of the property, so that every layers are consistent to a structure. This is the art of harnessing Qi. The interior of the property is arranged to conform to such structure as to allow Qi to flow unobstructed. The art of harnessing is through the Xue, not one but multiples. SanHe method is employ to where Qi begins. SanYuan method is employ to where Qi ends. They are both complementary and these are genuine FengShui and they are not guess work such as divination.
What if the site conditions contradicted the divination outcome? Which take precedent? This often happen. FengShui method is grounded on specific methodology almost scientific in nature. Divination is by virtue of synchronicity and probability almost guess work. Which do you think is likely to bring result?
Modern practitioner may use both arts in synchronicity. As example, they may do a divination before even attempting to visit the site for an audit. This is by mean of opening up a QiMen or a ZiBai Natal Chart and read the ingredient thereof. From the chart they are able to discern where is the incoming Qi, outgoing Qi, ShaQi and where is the best location to locate the main door, thus establishing siting and facing. This is called remote sensing. The customer would be thrilled by the practitioner's ability of clairvoyance and often mistaken as a GOD. However, this is Not FengShui!
Upon reaching the site, a FengShui practitioner will evaluate the capacity of a site by taking into consideration the macro incoming and outgoing Qi, to establish its Qi maps. The same is applied to the immediate external and follow through towards the compound of the property, so that every layers are consistent to a structure. This is the art of harnessing Qi. The interior of the property is arranged to conform to such structure as to allow Qi to flow unobstructed. The art of harnessing is through the Xue, not one but multiples. SanHe method is employ to where Qi begins. SanYuan method is employ to where Qi ends. They are both complementary and these are genuine FengShui and they are not guess work such as divination.
What if the site conditions contradicted the divination outcome? Which take precedent? This often happen. FengShui method is grounded on specific methodology almost scientific in nature. Divination is by virtue of synchronicity and probability almost guess work. Which do you think is likely to bring result?
AcademyOur academy provides the most pragmatic approach to the Chinese Metaphysics from a collective of schools that method has been tested and result driven orientated.
BlogWe are proud to bring some tapestry of ideas, provocations and other miscellaneous undertakings by our fellow consultants in the following web logs or blogs.
Hire UsThe Ancient Chinese Art of Metaphysics is a distilled form of knowledge to empower success. We are utilizing such knowledge for the benefits of human endeavors.